Tactile, Tactile Halloween, Seattle, Design
news Halloween 2014
Outhorn Keophila, Tactile, Seattle, New Hire


Welcome Addition

We’re excited to welcome Outhorn (pronounced “oo-tahn”) to Tactile to lead strategic business and partner development. He has a passion for technology and design, and he’s spent his career building relationships for a wide range of design, engineering and software consultancies. Outhorn is also a native Oregonian and a serious Seahawks fan; we think he’ll fit in just fine.
Tactile Halloween, Halloween, Seattle, Design


Jack-O-Lanterns and Brews

It’s that scary time of year again: Tactile’s annual Halloween bash is Saturday, October 25, at Hilliard’s in Ballard. The Seattle design community (and friends) will gather to celebrate the colorful, the creative and the downright weird. Interested in attending? Please email us for an invitation.

About Us

We believe great tools cultivate meaningful experiences that can improve our working and living conditions. We’re guided by the principle that functional should also be beautiful and enjoyable. For over 15 years we’ve relied on building trust and collaborative relationships with our clients to do just that.

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