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Your Trash is Recology’s Treasure

Last week Tactile visited Recology’s recycling center in Seattle to get an idea of where our trash goes and how it’s repurposed. Recology’s mission is to “create a world without waste by developing and discovering sustainable resource recovery practices that can be implemented globally.” Just let that sit with you for a minute and imagine living in a world without waste. Recology wants to educate in order to advocate and initiate change. A few highlights from our visit: 1) Seattle fills a mile long, double-decker train with garbage to Oregon every day because we create way too much garbage and we’ve run out of landfill space, 2) in America alone, each person produces about three pounds of trash per day (not including recyclables), 3) the recycling logo on products and packaging doesn’t always mean it’s recyclable, 4) depending on the recyclable, it gets processed at various locations: bottles are local, cans are sent to California, and much of the plastics are sent overseas, and 5) although much of the sorting is still done by hand at the facilities, they use a machine that’s equipped with AI and IR to identify and eject plastic into the recycling bins using compressed air. Check out our Instagram post for more photos and videos from our visit. And now, consider yourself informed—reduce and recycle responsibly!


Zero Waste Challenge Results

After completing a one-week zero waste challenge, it was obvious that achieving zero waste in our everyday lives is very hard to do. Key takeaways for us (in order of priority) are to reduce what we consume overall, compost as much as possible, find alternatives that are reusable and recyclable. Here are some of our findings from the week and the immediate changes we can make. Whenever and wherever possible: 1) use reusable coffee mugs for buying coffee-to-go, 2) carry a hanker-chief for drying clean, wet hands, 3) use reusable bags for shopping and storing food, 4) buy from the bulk food section whenever possible, 5) shop at farmers markets to eat more fresh, whole foods, 6) use a soda stream for carbonated water and other beverages, and 7) buy refillable beer growlers. We hope our small changes continue to grow into large scale changes for ourselves and others. Now it’s your turn. We challenge you to find ways to minimize waste and reduce your carbon footprint. Go!

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We believe great tools cultivate meaningful experiences that can improve our working and living conditions. We’re guided by the principle that functional should also be beautiful and enjoyable. For over 15 years we’ve relied on building trust and collaborative relationships with our clients to do just that.

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