news All Over the Place



The Seattle Design Festival is working to bring together designers and creatives from a variety of disciplines—and engaging them in building inspired, interactive experiences on the “Design Block” in September. Tactile is happy to support the Design Festival this year. Join the frenzied fun on May 16 (make sure to sign up online by May 9) and get ready to rumble.



Titanfall has landed. We’re excited to play the most–anticipated game of the year—and to pick up the limited edition Titanfall Xbox controller. Tactile has been a long–time collaborator with Xbox, and this project let us peek behind the curtain during the development and launch of Titanfall and work directly with both Respawn Entertainment (the game developer) and Xbox’s internal industrial design team. Tactile Design Director Rich Hanks commented, “It’s great to design for such an enthusiastic user. Every detail is meaningful to the core gamer, so authenticity is key. The result has to have a ‘wow’ factor—something that will inspire someone to save up and wait in line the day it hits the shelves. We had to create a must have product for the Titanfall fan.” For this fast–paced graphics project, the Tactile team immersed itself in the world of Titanfall. The controller, like the game, has a future military feel, with direct references to one of the game weapons that is sure to be a player favorite. Our team’s challenge was preserving the integrity of the Xbox brand language while integrating the excitement the game offers. This meant incredible focus on detail, down to constant iteration on the perfect shade of Militia orange. With each limited edition Xbox controller we touch—Tactile collaborated on the Tomb Raider version in 2013—we learn new production processes and build experience we can bring to clients across other industries. We also love working with the Xbox ID team for their consistently high standards of quality and execution. It’s a great fit for the Tactile team, too, which is uniquely suited to intense CMF (color, material, finish) efforts that require high–level graphic attunement. It doesn’t hurt, either, that we have deep experience with Xbox gamer culture. Xbox is quickly becoming the center of entertainment for families. For us, limited edition controllers present a unique chance to design for serious gamers while making sure the result is accessible for every player. Working on graphics for the Titanfall controller is just one great experience in a long history of collaboration with the Xbox team. They are as passionate as we are about details, and we can’t wait to see what’s next.



We’re thrilled to co–present this panel discussion with our friends at MakerHaus, exploring the evolution of design as a discipline–and the new media we are integrating each day. Register now; tickets (and refreshments) are free but seating is limited!



When it came to designing the new Tactile logo, we sought a fresh perspective from our friends Don and Ryan of Invisible Creature. We came to them with some high–level ideas that we thought reflected our culture well, and they lent a refined eye and a touch of the unexpected. It was a great collaboration with a talented local design agency. It goes without saying that it’s tough to finalize your new logo—but the guys at IC made it feel easy.


Upcoming Events

Tactile is engaging with some of our favorite spaces and organizations around town in the upcoming months. Find us at: • Convergence: A conversation about where ID & UX meet, Makerhaus, March 13 • UW Division of Design Career Fair, PACCAR Hall & HUB @ UW, March 19 • Startup Weekend—Design Edition, WeWork, March 21-23 • Beckers Group Event, TBD Stay tuned for more info. We hope to see you soon!



Josh Kornfeld, our principal, lends his voice to “The Power of Design” in this month’s Seattle Business Magazine. The article surveys the strength—and potentially exponential growth—of design in the Northwest’s largest city.


Sagmeister Visits Seattle

Last week, a few of our industrial, user experience and graphic designers attended a riveting talk by Stefan Sagmeister—the famed NYC–based Austrian designer—as part of the Design Lecture Series at the Seattle Public Library. The aloof designer stereotype definitely didn’t apply here: Stefan was animated and determined to keep the audience engaged. His current project is “The Happy Show,” and his little tricks—like having everyone sing coordinated karaoke at the top of their lungs—emerged from his self–experiments and research into the “user experience” of happiness. Another tip? Before bed, think of three things that “worked” today, rather than worrying, planning or letting your mind wander. As with gratitude, he’s decided that satisfaction is a key ingredient in happiness. Not revolutionary, but affirmation that it takes a little work to maintain a positive outlook. We designers spend our days creating and actualizing products that are tangible, appropriate and well–suited to their critical functions. So it was particularly interesting to hear Stefan talk about his time away from day–to–day professional design, investigating discreet projects with purely artificial constraints. Each of his sabbatical exercises, everything from designing an entire CD package to drawing freehand, had to be completed in three hours. Not surprisingly, the lack of freedom and resources forced him to be more creative, focused, and even turned out a better product—a somewhat elementary lesson it never hurts to remember. Sagmeister’s ideas are simple. It was the spirit of his talk, though, that was appealing: Stay engaged at all costs. Remember what’s working. Trick yourself into staying focused and keeping things fresh. Don’t let yourself become cynical or removed from the sheer creative joy of designing. And, most importantly, take time to find the silly little tricks that keep you happy each day.


Our Halloween Party

Our annual company Halloween party is right around the corner on Saturday, October 26th. Contact us for an invitation or more information. Looking forward to see you and all the creative costumes this year!


Congrats to a local Kickstarter

Clearly, we’re not the only ones excited about craft brewing. Congratulations to our friends at nearby PicoBrew, whose Kickstarter campaign reached its goal with nearly a month to go! The automatic device is connected yet simple, a countertop combo of off–the–shelf parts and custom DIY solutions. In short, it’s what many of us have been waiting for. Risky flavor combinations, small batches, side–by–side comparisons? Check. A flexible platform means there is room for serious experimentation right at home. More and more, we’re seeing projects like PicoBrew that bring product development into our daily lives. Want to innovate? Invent a new beer, 3D print a tool, write a storybook by animating your scribbles instantly. We marvel at the expanding possibilities—and we can’t wait to start experimenting with our own custom brews.
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We believe great tools cultivate meaningful experiences that can improve our working and living conditions. We’re guided by the principle that functional should also be beautiful and enjoyable. For over 15 years we’ve relied on building trust and collaborative relationships with our clients to do just that.

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